Counselling and Psychotherapy

I offer counselling and psychotherapy to adults online and in person and am dedicated to creating a space where you feel welcome and your experiences are seen and valued.

I bring a compassionate approach to my practice and draw on a range of models and theories according to your unique needs. Underpinning my work is a belief that when we feel a sense of safety and trust in our connections with others, it allows us to find a greater sense of trust, ease and wellbeing within ourselves.


My practice is trauma informed. I am committed to recognising and responding to signs of trauma, working sensitively to provide a space that prioritises your safety and wellbeing while avoiding re-traumatization.

Where our experiences are viewed through a lens that recognises the effects of trauma and adverse experiences many of the difficulties we experience in our day to day life and in our relationships can begin to make sense. Gaining an understanding of this can lead to a greater sense of acceptance which can enhance your sense of wellbeing.

I aim to support you to build on your strengths and resilience, to build your personal resources for wellbeing and develop a greater sense of control and agency. I recognise this can take time and aim to work at a pace that feels right for you.

What to expect

I offer a free initial appointment to provide us with an opportunity to meet, for you to ask any questions you may have and for me to tell you a bit about my approach and what is involved in the process.

Once we have agreed to work together I will offer you an appointment at a regular time each week.

To begin with we will spend some time exploring the factors that have shaped who you are today and consider what you want to work on including any hopes you might have for the work. You might feel clear about what this is from the start or it might take some time for the focus of the work to emerge.

I aim to work with you to find a way of working together that suits you, the methods and techniques I use will depend on your needs and choices.

Counselling and Psychtherapy can feel challenging at times and it can bring up difficult feelings. I will be alongside you throughout the process and invite you to share any challenges that arise so we can find a way of working through them together.


I offer 50 minute sessions on a weekly basis.

My fees are £55 per session.

I offer both short-term and longer-term, open ended working and I work both online and face to face.

My in-person practice is in Bristol, UK, and I am able to work with clients based in the UK and internationally (outside of the USA or Canada) online.